CIEWAC Membership Categories
The Institute's membership is divided into:
1. Regular Members 普通会员 |
2. Institutional Members 机构会员 |
3. Honorary Members 荣誉会员 |
Scholars, researchers, educators, students, and cultural workers engaged in or interested in Eastern and Western art and culture, such as painters, sculptors, photographers, and other creators, may apply to become Regular Members. | Academic or cultural institutions related to Eastern and Western art and culture, or non-profit organizations supporting the Institute’s purposes, may apply to become Institutional Members. | Individuals or organizations with exceptional contributions to Eastern and Western art and culture may be awarded Honorary Membership upon nomination by the Board of Directors and approval by the General Assembly. |
凡从事或热爱东西方艺术与文化研究的学者、研究人员、教师、学生及文化工作者,如画家,雕塑家,摄影师,各种艺术形式的创作者等均可申请成为普通会员。 | 从事东西方艺术文化相关领域的学术、文化机构,或支持本学会宗旨的非营利机构,可以申请成为机构会员。 | 对东西方文化艺术研究有卓越贡献的个人或团体,经学会理事会提名,会员大会批准后,可授予荣誉会员资格。 |
Membership Rights 会员权利 |
Membership Obligations 会员义务 |
Membership Application and Withdrawal 会员的加入与退出 |