Beyond Time & Space - An International Art exhibition of Selected Works 穿越 – 丹青集萃国际美术作品展
Beyond Time & Space - An International Art Exhibition of Selected Works (No.1)
穿越 – 丹青集萃国际美术作品展
Exhibition Overview 展览概述
"Beyond Time & Space - An International Art Exhibition of Selected Works (No.1)" is a prestigious international art exhibition celebrating diverse artistic styles and the timeless charm of visual arts. With a theme centred on cultural and emotional storytelling, the exhibition invites artists to present works that traverse boundaries of time and space. Organized by the Canadian Institute for Eastern Western Art & Culture, the event aims to provide a platform for talented artists to showcase their skills while fostering cross-cultural dialogue and artistic innovation.
This exhibition will feature outstanding works from our members, carefully selected by a distinguished panel of jurors.
《穿越 – 丹青集萃国际美术作品展》是一场汇聚多元艺术风格、展现绘画艺术魅力的视觉盛宴。为有造诣的艺术家创建一个充分展示自己的平台,并且通过加拿大东西方文化艺术学会的互动交流,从而有更大的发展空间。本次展览以「穿越」为主题;通过艺术作品带领观众穿越时空,领略不同文化、不同情感在画布上的精彩演绎,感受艺术的无限可能。
Exhibition Highlights 展览亮点
Recognition & Opportunities入选权益 |
Artistic Forum & Lectures During Exhibition艺术论坛及讲座 |
Awards Program奖项 |
Public Interaction公众参与 |
Visitors are encouraged to vote for their favorite pieces, enhancing engagement and adding an interactive dimension to the event |
展览鼓励公众参与投票,选出自己最喜欢的作品,增加展览的互动性和趣味性 |
Exhibition Details 展览详情
■ Exhibition Period : February 21 – March 7, 2025
■ Opening Ceremony: February 21 (Friday)
■ Organizers: Canadian Institute for Eastern Western Art & Culture, YM Art Gallery
■ Venue: YM Art Gallery (Unit 13, 100 West Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada, L4B 1H4)
■ Eligibility:Open to individuals with a certain level of artistic skills. No restrictions on nationality, gender, age, or artistic style
■ Artwork Categories:Chinese painting, calligraphy, oil painting, acrylic painting, printmaking, watercolour, sculpture, photography, AI generated creative panting etc.
■ Fee: $100 per piece (Link:
■ You become the member of CIFEWAC once your works are selected into the exhibition. No need to pay the membership fee for 2025.
■ Catalogue: All exhibited works will be featured in a printed exhibition catalogue (price: CAD 40 for members)。 Please reserve with your submission.
■ Application Deadline: Feb.09, 2025. The jury will notify applicants of their selection status within 2 business days.
■ Exhibition Requests: All artworks must be framed, except sculptures and unframed hanging scrolls.
Chinese paintings must not exceed a length of 8 feet, and canvas paintings must not exceed 60 inches. Framing Requirements for Canvas Paintings: The style should be clean and modern.
If the canvas is stretched with 1.5 inches thickness, then no additional extra frame is required.
Framing Requirements for Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy: Horizontal scrolls, mounted works, and bare rice paper must be framed. If needed, framing can be completed by YM Art Gallery after shipping. Standard frame prices are listed on the website: (20% OFF for exhibition). Alternatively, frames can be rented at 30% of the original price.
■ 展览时间:2月21日至3月7日
■ 开幕式:2 月21 日(星期五)
■ 主办:加拿大东西方文化艺术学会,雁鸣美术馆
■ 场 地:雁鸣美术馆(Unit 13, 100 West Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada, L4B 1H4)
■ 参展资格:具有一定艺术水平、国籍、男女、年龄、艺术风格不限
■ 作品种类:中国画、书法、油画、丙烯画、版画、水彩画、雕刻、摄影,AI 创意作品等(具象与抽象)
■ 每件作品参展费用:100加元
■ 作品入选后会自动成为本机构会员,无须缴纳2025年度会费
■ 展览将出版画册,收录所有参展作品,画册纸质版每册售价40加元(会员价,需申请时预定)
■ 申请截止日期:2025年2月9日,评审团會在2個工作天内通知是否入选。
除雕塑、立轴作品,其他所有作品必须装裱。(需邮寄的作品可由美术馆框裱) 作品尺寸:国画最长不可超过八尺、帆布油画不可超过六十吋。 油画布作品装裱要求:简洁现代。如油画布为画廊包边,厚度达1.5英寸,则无需外框。 中国画及书法作品装裱要求:横轴、镜片、裸宣纸需要装裱,如果需要,邮寄后由雁鸣美术馆框裱。标准尺寸画框价格请参照网站。 (展览8折优惠),也可采用租框的形式,价格为原价的30%。
How to Apply 如何申请
Application Form Download | 參加表格下载
1.Fill in the application form, including your Art Bio, current nationality, and address information |
1. 填写申请表格,包括个人艺术简历、当前国籍及地址信息 |
2.Provide an introduction to your works, including title, media, creation date, size, and the minimum price for the auction (If needed) |
2. 提供作品介绍、标题、媒介、创作时间、尺寸及拍卖起拍价(如适用) |
3.Email your application to: before January 31, 2025 |
3. 在2025年2月9日前将申请发送至 |
4.You will be informed within 2 business days if selected or not. If selected, please send your original works and make the payment |
4. 将在2个工作天内通知是否入选。若入选,请寄送原作并支付参展费用 |
5.All exhibited works must be delivered to YM Art gallery before February 15, 2025, for display |
5. 所有参展作品须在2025年2月15日前送达雁鸣美术馆(邮寄) |