Exhibitor Fee 2025 No.1 《穿越》参展费
- Regular price
$100.00 - Regular price
- Sale price
■ Artwork Categories: Chinese painting, calligraphy, oil painting, acrylic painting, printmaking, watercolor, sculpture, photography, AI generated creative Panting etc. (both representational and abstract works are accepted)
■ Maximum Participants : 30 artists, each allowed up to 2 works
■ Fee: $100 per piece
■ Membership: Once the works are selected in to the exhibition, the artist will automatically become the members of 2025. No need to pay the membership fee.
■ 作品种类:中国画、书法、油画、丙烯画、版画、水彩画、雕刻、摄影,AI 创意作品等(具象与抽象)
■ 参展名额最多30人,每人最多2件作品
■ 每件作品参展费用:100加元
"Beyond Time & Space - An International Art Exhibition of Selected Works (No.1)" is a prestigious international art exhibition celebrating diverse artistic styles and the timeless charm of visual arts. With a theme centred on cultural and emotional storytelling, the exhibition invites artists to present works that traverse boundaries of time and space. Organized by the Canadian Institute for Eastern Western Art & Culture, the event aims to provide a platform for talented artists to showcase their skills while fostering cross-cultural dialogue and artistic innovation. This exhibition will feature outstanding works from our members, carefully selected by a distinguished panel of jurors.
《穿越 – 丹青集萃国际美术作品展》是一场汇聚多元艺术风格、展现绘画艺术魅力的视觉盛宴。为有造诣的艺术家创建一个充分展示自己的平台,并且通过加拿大东西方文化艺术学会的互动交流,从而有更大的发展空间。本次展览以「穿越」为主题;通过艺术作品带领观众穿越时空,领略不同文化、不同情感在画布上的精彩演绎,感受艺术的无限可能。此展览为评审展览,将从申请者中精选优秀作品,由专家评委严格甄选。
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Exhibitor Fee 2025 No.1 《穿越》参展费
- Regular price
$100.00 - Regular price
- Sale price